Ran lian
عضوٌ منذ 26/12/2022 - من المغربi love books 📚😍 everything about reading 😀 anime manhwas history , health and medicine,my fav languages are Arabic English French Japanese Chinese German and Russian,hhhh i know also 3 languages and I'm learning the 4th one , also i love everything about Sherlock Holmes ❤️✨🍀 he's my fav fictional character,but not the only one 😅 there's too many that i can't count them 😂😂🫀my fav meal is .... i cn eat everything u know 😂💔 but i have some fav ,like uhmmmm....... there's too many 🤔😶🌫️my fav dish is agh I can't find something that I like that much 😍💔but recently i cnt eat well ❤️🩹,i think bcus i had final exams so i couldn't be able to eat at time , i just skipt the meals so now i cnt eat at time , ah yes i remember, my fv game character is ..... Peter 🫀✨😉 from ur boyfriend game 🤣 he's too kind and exactly my tipe 😜💔.i love him anyway, i think this was too much so i hope u a nice day 💗 darling 😘❤️🫀