28 قصيدة : POEMS 28 - جينومر مانتيزا ليغنس
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28 قصيدة : POEMS 28

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Poetry is a God-given gift. Time to share it with the whole world to bring back all the praises and glory to His Almighty name. الشِّعر هبة الله للإنسان، وقد حان الوقتُ لمشاركته مع جميع الأمم لتسبيح ربِّ المجد والقوَّة.
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3.6 10 تقييم
55 مشاركة

اقتباسات من كتاب 28 قصيدة : POEMS 28


‪ The universe that dwells with boundaries

‪ And divided into galaxies

‪ Surrounded with principalities

‪ Known to be possibilities.

‪ Fulfillment of wonder

‪ Probed by the researcher

‪ Puzzle will gradually discover

‪ the genius ruler.

The astonished stargazer

‪ It symbolizes the true believer

‪ That Milky Way inhabitants endeavor

‪ For the master’s clue favor.

‪ Now this is the noble beauty

‪ Of the so-called purity

‪ Space is bondage with immorality

‪ But there is no room for immunity.

مشاركة من Susan Mohamed
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