❞ الجميع للداخل لتناول كعكة جزر بالعسل والكاكاو الساخن!
جلسوا جميعًا حول النار. ❝
حل الشتاء > اقتباسات من رواية حل الشتاء
اقتباسات من رواية حل الشتاء
اقتباسات ومقتطفات من رواية حل الشتاء أضافها القرّاء على أبجد. استمتع بقراءتها أو أضف اقتباسك المفضّل من الرواية.
حل الشتاء
مشاركة من Marryam_98
❞ إنه ذاك الوقت من العام الذي يكون فيه الثلج البارد والصقيع، والنيران الدافئة والأصدقاء المقرّبين. ❝
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❞ الشتاء قادم، وسنقيم له حفلة رائعة. ❝
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❞ وصل فيه "ويني" الدبدوب و"بيجليت" الخنزير إلى منزل "كانجا" الكنغر، كانا يشعران بالبرد للغاية لدرجة أنهما قررا البقاء قليلا لتناول الشاي لتدفئتهم. ❝
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Everyone inside for honey carrot cake and hot cocoa!" called Rabbit. They all gathered around the fire.
Christopher Robin gave Pooh a little hug. "Happy winter, Pooh," he said.
"Happy winter!" Cried Pooh.
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They made snow angels. They caught snowflakes on their tongues. They sang songs and danced around the snowman until they couldn't dance anymore.
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Christopher Robin laughed, too. "Come on, we'd better get the snowman back outside before he melts. Luckily, snowmen are easy to fix." They undrooped the snowman's nose and stuck his stick hands back in.
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Winter is the season—you know, the time of year. Cold snow and mistletoe, warm fires and good friends."
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"This is my snowman ,"said Christopher Robin.
"He's not Winter?" asked Pooh.
"No," said Christopher Robin.
"Winter is the season—you know, the time of year. Cold snow and mistletoe, warm fires and good friends."
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Just then Christopher Robin came to the door "Has anyone seen my snowman?" he asked "No," said Pooh glumly "but maybe you can help us We brought Winter here for a special party but he doesn't seem to like it."
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"Maybe he's not the party type," said Eeyore.
"Our cocoa isss making him sssick," whistled Gopher.
"What are we going to do?" cried Rabbit.
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Give him the comfy chair by the fire!"
ordered Rabbit. "Gopher, get him some hot cocoa!"
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"Quick!" said Tigger. "We'd better get him to the party and warm him up."
They all hoisted Winter onto the sled.
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"Oh, yes," said Pooh. "We are so happy to have you in the Hundred-Acre Wood that we're giving a party in your honor."
Winter did not say anything.
"Oh, d-dear," said Piglet. "He's frozen!"
مشاركة من عبدالسميع شاهين
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