المؤلفون > وليم شكسبير > اقتباسات وليم شكسبير

اقتباسات وليم شكسبير

اقتباسات ومقتطفات من مؤلفات وليم شكسبير .استمتع بقراءتها أو أضف اقتباساتك المفضّلة.


  • His arrow has pierced me too deeply, so I can’t fly high with his cheerful feathers. Because this wound keeps me down, I can’t leap any higher than my dull sadness. I sink under the heavy weight of love.

    مشاركة من Toqa Sayed Galal ، من كتاب

    روميو وجولييت

  • (taking JULIET’s hand) Your hand is like a holy place that my hand is unworthy to visit. If you’re offended by the touch of my hand, my two lips are standing here like blushing pilgrims, ready to make things better with a kiss.

    The first fourteen lines Romeo and Juliet speak together form a sonnet.


    Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,

    Which mannerly devotion shows in this,

    For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,

    And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.


    Good pilgrim, you don’t give your hand enough credit. By holding my hand you show polite devotion. After all, pilgrims touch the hands of statues of saints. Holding one palm against another is like a kiss.

    100 ROMEO

    Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?


    Don’t saints and pilgrims have lips too?


    Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.


    Yes, pilgrim—they have lips that they’re supposed to pray with.


    O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do.

    They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.


    Well then, saint, let lips do what hands do. I’m praying for you to kiss me. Please grant my prayer so my faith doesn’t turn to despair.


    Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.


    Saints don’t move, even when they grant prayers.

    105 ROMEO

    Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take.


    Then don’t move while I act out my prayer.

    Kisses her

    He kisses her.

    Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged.

    Now my sin has been taken from my lips by yours.


    Then have my lips the sin that they have took.


    Then do my lips now have the sin they took from yours?

    110 ROMEO

    Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!

    Give me my sin again.


    Sin from my lips? You encourage crime with your sweetness. Give me my sin back.

    مشاركة من Toqa Sayed Galal ، من كتاب

    روميو وجولييت

  • How often are men happy right before they die! They call it the lightness before death. Oh, how can I call this lightness? Oh, my love! My wife! Death has sucked the honey from your breath, but it has not yet ruined your beauty. You haven’t been conquered. There is still red in your lips and in your cheeks. Death has not yet turned them pale.

    Ah, dear Juliet, why are you still so beautiful? Should I believe that death is in love with you, and that the awful monster keeps you here to be his mistress? I don’t like that idea, so I’ll stay with you. And I will never leave this tomb. Here, here I’ll remain with worms that are your chamber-maids. Oh, I’ll rest here forever. I’ll forget about all the bad luck that has troubled me. Eyes, look out for the last time! Arms, make your last embrace! And lips, you are the doors of breath. Seal with a righteous kiss the deal I have made with death forever

    Come, bitter poison, come, unsavory guide! You desperate pilot, let’s crash this sea-weary ship into the rocks! Here’s to my love!

    مشاركة من Toqa Sayed Galal ، من كتاب

    روميو وجولييت

  • لا عجب أن انغمس في قراءتي لهذه المسرحية فشكسبير يعد من المؤلفين و الأدباء الذين لن يأتي مثلهم ... قراءت مسرحية هاملت و شاهدت فلمها و في كل مرة كنت اسرح بخيالي من ان له شكسبير هذا الخيال الواسع ليكتب مثل هذه المسرحية

    مشاركة من ميس البلبيسي ، من كتاب


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